Kirksville R-III School District
Attn. Debbie Gorham
1901 E. Hamilton
Kirksville, M0 63501
Science K-12 Vertical Team, Below is a list of the Key Concepts/Big Ideas that you concluded should be taught K-12. It was suggested that the group meet again on May 1st to start writing learning objectives. Where do you want to meet? Please use this thread ahead of time to post the issues you want to discuss.
Matter and Energy
Force and Motion
Living Organisms
Earth Systems
Scientific Inquiry
Science, Technology and Human Activity
The Spring 2009 American History and Government field test is no longer required. Missouri has had an increased enrollment compared to the early predictions and therefore DESA was able to meet the needed sample requirements with less districts participating. KHS will not be receiving any testing materials for the American History and Government EOC field tests.
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